Rhoda's Pastry Mushrooms

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I remember these from when I first met Rhoda. They were a fun little sweet. She says now that they were just a way to use up left-over pastry & mock cream when she was making tarts (and the kids liked them). Because it's using up left-overs, it's not exactly a recipe, more a method.


  1. Use leftover pastry to make pastry cases in a patty-cake tin. Also cut some pastry into short strips to use as stalks for the mushrooms. Put on baking tray. Bake in moderate oven until golden.
  2. When cool fill the bottom of each case with plum jam and top with mock cream.
  3. Sprinkle the mock cream with cinnamon and put the 'stalks' in the centre.
  4. Serve.
Aileen Sorohan

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